Not many people are old enough to remember Tron. It was made in 1982, and was kinda old even by the time I saw it, but I became an instant fan. It made computers seem so cool and funky and interesting, which was a pretty hard thing to do in the 1980s.
I recently watched Tron again, and it's still a great movie. Although a little dated, the special effects, the costumes, the colours, the music and sound, all of it is as smile-inducing as I remember. And even watching it all these years later through more adult eyes, the plot is still good, though I wouldn't call it Oscar-winning.
And now, almost three decades later, comes Tron 2.0 (a.k.a. TR2N). Thus far, there hasn't been much to show how things are going, but a blurry bootleg trailer captured at the recent San Diego Comic-Con this year has been making its rounds on the web.
Despite the blurriness, watching that trailer has me really psyched. And the inclusion of Jeff Bridges?! Frickin' wicked. If I'd been in that crowd, I'd be cheering too.
Man, 2011 can't come fast enough.
TR2N concept art.