Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Slow patch

Like so many others, Twitter is effectively strangling my main blog by becoming my microblog of sorts.

Well, I suppose really the two major factors in post frequency (or lack thereof) are time and location. Given my current hectic schedule due to the two jobs with 6 different student groups to balance, I'm either always too busy, or am nowhere near my PC. It's much easier to tweet, so random thoughts and snippets of my day usually find their way onto my Twitterfeed, and now I tend to only put up major posts on the blog, or usually things I can't express in 140 characters.

In any case, new template! Comes complete with Twitterfeed in the sidebar for those of you who don't follow me on Twitter (or for those of you who haven't yet discovered the simple joy of Twitter). So even if I don't post here very often, you can keep up with my happenings and doings and goings-on and other such funky words.

By Chester with No comments


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