Friday, October 26, 2007

You wanna know what I make?!

Sometimes I wonder if I'm in the right profession. Do I really want to be a teacher? But then something comes along and reminds me about why I want to teach and about how I feel, which is that I don't think teachers get enough credit.

Seriously, teachers do NOT get enough credit. Think back to all the teachers you loved and hated. Think about the impact they had on you, both positive and negative. Think about the power they hold as guides, as molders, as educators, as shapers of character and personality and thought.

I could say so much more, but this video says it all. And as you watch it, remember this-- Every doctor, every lawyer, every engineer, every single big-reputation, well-known, crazy-high salary-paying profession you can think of...

Someone taught them.

Edit: Here's another shoutout to a newcomer! They're all slowly joining the ranks meeheehee.

By Chester with 6 comments


"doctor" in Latin means "teacher". I only learnt that yesterday.

Makes ya think, aye?

And Taylor Mali is a genius.

And for what it's worth, I personally can see you being one of those ridiculously popular teachers that EVERY student ends up crediting with whatever successes they achieve in school.

The one they cite as being the most memorable and the most influential teacher that taught them.

Sadly not all teachers are there to make a difference.. Especially in this society. Many become teachers just because they can't do anything else.

[sana] Thanx. I hope so.
[chel] True. There has been research done in Brunei that shows a lot of teachers became teachers because they had nothing else to do, which basically means their results sucked so much that they had no alternative.

Wow, makes you feel so good about sending your future kids to school, doesn't it?

that's one of the BIG reasons why I actually contemplate about home schooling but the support and facilities in Brunei are lacking so much that it looks like a 'lose lose' situation..

You could always talk to Grace and see how her parents do it...

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