Friday, August 8, 2008


Sitting here watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony, I hear that Brunei won't be in the Olympic march. I do a bit of research and find out that Brunei was excluded from the Olympics this year because some moron in Brunei's National Olympic Committee didn't register the athletes by the required deadline.

I know procrastination tends to be a national pastime in Brunei, but C'MON!

All I can say is I'm sure someone's in deep trouble. I can imagine the Sultan sitting there at the ceremony fuming, wondering who he's gonna fire when he gets home.

By Chester with 10 comments


Seen this?

Looks like Brunei never truly intended their athletes to join (from the press release found in the above url). Comments?

At the end of the day, there is no excuse for the morons responsible for this. They had four years.


All this bullcrap is just a flimsy attempt at justification for their actions. I've heard many reasons from "official" sources as well as speculation from many others, and none of them are satisfactory.

I really hope that both the IOC and HM do something about this, so that someone pays for this. A lesson has to be learnt here.

I strongly agree to the fact that they did have four long years to get organized and from this standpoint it is clear that it was rather moronic that they didn't. However something seems to be nagging at me - besides the obvious lesson you have implied, perhaps there is another.

I am a believer of the sovereign God, and whatever happened must have happened for the better, even when it isn't immediately made clear. I happen to know one of the athletes in question, and sure there is the disappointment factor, but we all know there is a higher power at work.

There is no plan besides that of God, no matter how hard we try. Sometimes it takes unexpected trials, and disappointments for us to realize that he is in total control.

So that's the other lesson I got from it. :) Care to shed more light on the matter?

Of course God is always in control and everything goes according to His plans. But what does that really mean for the people involved? Do they care about God's plan?

We can easily fall back on God and know that even if things don't go the way we expect, we can still trust Him. But that won't always be a consolation for someone who isn't exactly pious.

And at the end of the day, I doubt it's God that makes people morons.

The chief end of man is to glorify God. God does everything for his glory. When he created man, he didn't stop and become man-worshipers. Sure, there is the character of God who exhibits love and all the other comforting traits we so often quote, but a lot of the time we forget that it is all done for His glory. He doesn't need to be there for us, but in doing so he is able to demonstrate to us a part of His character so that we can in return appreciate Him more.

I will use the Pharaoh mentioned in Exodus as an example. God hardened his heart, and didn't let the people go. God did this in order to promote His own glory.

So everything that happened leading up to that disappointing no-show was indeed the work of God.

No one needs to care about His plan for His plan to work - that is the truth.
God's glory doesn't diminish when someone acts foolishly or sins against Him and He knows it.

We should know by now that this world is and never will be a "fair" place. So there are always going to be people experiencing unfairness, but that's just the reality of things – in fact we shouldn’t complain, because none of that pain would exist if man didn’t choose to sin in the first place.

Living in this world of injustice does entitle us to some feelings of frustration and anger, but perhaps we should look past that. Ultimately, we are living His plan. So maybe we should stop trying so hard to change things and let His plan unfold. I doubt firing anyone would help. Without God at work, there will be no change.

I'm not gonna argue against any of the points you made, but what exactly what is the point of this religious debate?

Haha. Um. I guess I got carried away a little? I don't know... perhaps it's God's divine intervention to change some minds about what happened?

Really. Forgive me for turning this into a debate. I honestly wasn't aware that it was, I thought it was just a discussion/sharing. Quite frankly I was out of words everytime you posted a reply, but somehow something always popped up while I was about to close the page. I have no idea where the words came from...but there you go. Feel free to check everything I've said. I wouldn't want to be sharing false facts now would I?

I've appreciated you views greatly. :)

Oh! Haha hello, so it's you, Mayanne.

Naw, whatever you said it's right. It just came off as somewhat debate-ish.

Haha, people tend to think that. :)

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