Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ni hao

It has been a tiring first day.

The day started at 11.30am when we left Brunei. Almost 12 tiring hours later, here I am, sitting in a hotel room in China, utterly lost linguistically because I don't really speak Mandarin. I do have a basic understanding of the language though; I can kinda make out what people are saying, which was a good ability to have when listening to Chinese people converse (when they had no idea I was dropping all those eaves). At one point, I heard some Chinese ladies debating whether my tudong-ed colleagues were from Malaysia or Singapore...

It was interesting from the moment we got out of the airport. As it turned out, our liaison here had a bunch of names which weren't ours. Looking down the whole list, our names were nowhere to be seen, which leaves us wondering-- Where are we in all this?

Ah well, this will definitely be an interesting trip, if only because it'll let me test my knowledge of Chinese.

For now, here are a few pics from this first day.

By Chester with 4 comments


Hey man. China! Awesome stuff. Also... I really like how it's barely been two days and you're already blogging. I was in Philippines two weeks ago and I still haven't sit down to type anything. Well there's a huge draft that needs some continuation.

Anyway, have fun in China. Will you be there till the opening of the Olympics? Quite curious to know...

Also I was quite sure I read Ah Lian Hotel instead of Xin Lian. Lol.

More pictures!

Hahaha! So those emails about broken english signs are for real! Look for funny looking signs in China!! :D

Don't be against the Chinese doors there buddy, be WITH the doors! Hahahahhaah. Have fun there..

Hey Ches. Those pics were when we still had NO idea was was gonna hit us huh! haha

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