Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What the...

I got an e-mail from a friend recently about making sure your children don't run in the house. Unless your house is completely child-proofed, this sounds like very good advice, especially after seeing this particular child's injury.

Actually, at first glance it doesn't look like such a bad little injury, does it? But this next picture shows you how he got it. Brace yourself, then scroll down.











Freakin' ouch.

By Chester with 8 comments


I don't know... looks photoshopped...

Meh. Either way, it's a painful injury.

How can a fork go up the nose...and do that? Weird...

Haha who knows? Maybe he was running and fell on it.

Then...the kid has a soft nose? Or just, easily penetrated skin, flesh (?), bone/s? I wonder how much pain he had to endure... and whether he broke some of the glassware in the house with his screaming, if he did scream at all. If you know what I mean... =)

No lah. If you were running around and fell on a fork, there would probably be enough momentum to drive the fork right through the soft flesh of your nose. Probably even through the cartilage, which would probably be more damaging and a lot more painful.

ouch that should have hurt him really BAD!!!...

OMG!! That gotta hurt!! I thought those are stitches on his nose....

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